Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is our true "gold"?

     This week, I've been volunteering at my parish's VBS- Gold Rush. Everything is decorated in a "mining camp" theme and by the end of the week I just may be talking with some Southern twang. ;-) The children have been on a quest to discover the true "gold"(i.e. God). Eagerly, they have accepted that God is the only true gold.
     This has me pondering about how I often choose to not have God as the true gold in my life. All too often, I place other things and even myself above Him. I'll claim that I'm too busy to say the Rosary, yet if I want to check the Yahoo homepage for the 3rd time in 15 minutes, I'm definitely not too busy for that! Why is this? Because forming and maintaining a relationship with God takes effort. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes work. It's so much easier to perform mindless tasks. But, performing mindless tasks does nothing to bring a sense of lasting fulfillment. Only God can give that. Let us strive to make God our true gold.